Monday 11 June 2007

Two years, apparently

Thanks to Jane of Jane Loves Tarzan for reminding me that I have been a blogger for two years now. Technically. I did take a break for some months, and I so archived my archive it's gone but who's counting?!

It's Jane's anniversary too.

Happy Anniversary!

PS. I love Jane's cake - so manic :-D

PPS. A little reminder why the moniker "Grans on Bran": It started off as a joke between me and Cheryl of Mad Baggage. I'm not a Gran but I could be. It was my wanna-be Porn Star name.... but that was a conversation over two years ago and goodness knows how these things get discussed ;-) But it was thanks to Cheryl that I started blogging.

Original Comments:

jane said...

Happy Anniversary Doris! I remember finding out you weren't a "gran" and was totally beside myself! For so long I thought you were a 60 something, or at least a 50 something Gran!

ps...Do you know where Cheryl went?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:53:00 PM

Doris said...

Hi Jane and thanks!

Technically I should be done on trade descriptions with my moniker. I wonder if it causes confusion but I like it that it certainly makes a difference from all those bloggers wanting to appear much younger than they actually are! LOL

But do you think I should modify my name and go for something a bit more truthfully younger? Dirty Doris maybe? Ha-ha .....

I can't speak for Cheryl and it was a surprise to me too that she had stopped blogging. On the other hand, I stopped blogging and then came back.... sometimes a break is good or needed. But it was Cheryl who turned me on to blogging in the first place and of course it was chatting to her that I made up my name.... I owe her :-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:22:00 PM

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